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    Weight Loss Appointment / Nutrition and Obesity

    Fact 1: Obesity is one of the greatest public health problems of the 21st century and, according to the WHO, its relevance has tripled in the European Union in the last 30 years, where the number of affected persons continues to increase, especially in children.

    Fact 2: Obesity is responsible for the excessive fat (especially in the belly area), which causes several health problems: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes Melitus type 2, dyslipidemia, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and some forms of cancer.

    Clínica Ibérico Nogueira, conscious of the above mentioned facts, has adopted a policy of prevention, counselling and accompaniment of its patients in all the stages of their treatment/intervention, promoting the importance of all aspects related with NUTRITION.

    We know that nutrition is a fundamental step for the promotion of health and quality of life of the community in general.

    We know that a healthy, complete and varied feeding is essential for the development and growth of man.

    We know that the loss, maintenance or acquisition of weight must be made in a controlled manner to avoid unbalanced diets which are prejudicial to health and inefficient in the long term.

    We feel the growing concern of our patients with the promotion of health and well being and, simultaneously, elimination of daily excesses which result in the acquisition of “extra fat”.

    Factors such as stress, sedentary, tobacco, hormonal problems, the attempted conciliation of professional with personal and family obligations, may influence the ingestion of food and, consequently, not always the food choices that we make are the most appropriate.

    To fight this growing problem, the most efficient therapy consists of a specific and balanced nutrition plan, with nutritious food, rich in anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory, which contribute to improve the elasticity of the skin and help to reduce the excess fat and its distribution, and specific treatments which aim at “helping” to lose, maintain or gain weight or even to help releasing/eliminating localised fat and cellulite.

    Accordingly, the role of the nutritionist is fundamental to promote adequate feeding habits and establish appropriate and personalised food plans with the purpose of promoting good feeding habits which are lasting and effective.

    At the adult weight loss appointment, we establish realistic and consistent goals in order to maintain the motivation of the patient. At the child or teenager nutrition appointment, it is essential to change feeding habits and lifestyles without compromising the ideal growth of the patient. At the pregnancy nutrition appointment, it is important to educate the mothers for the fundamental role of feeding in the good development of the baby and future post-birth weight recovery.

    In this context, at Clínica Ibérico Nogueira we make available:

    1. Nutrition appointments
    Evaluation of physical condition, identification of BMI (body mass index), and preparation of balanced and personalised feeding plans adjusted to the daily routines of the patient, taking into consideration factors such as age, sex, height, lifestyle and personal tastes, in order to obtain consistent and lasting weight loss without recourse to any type of medication.

    2. Treatments against cellulite, localised fat and sagging (please consult Treatment of Cellulite and Localised Fat)

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