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    • Banner homem e mulher vampire facelift

    Facial Rejuvenation- “Vampire Face lift™”

    Agora é possível na Clínica Ibérico Nogueira
    Nonsurgical facial rejuvenation without "cutting / scalpel," painless, quick recovery, for both sexes and performed throughout the year.

    Very briefly, we can say that this procedure is the association of non-surgical techniques that work in volumizing, tone, firmness and face texture.

    The plasma rich in growth factors (CFRP) is one of the procedures used in skin rejuvenation since it stimulates the production of type III collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

    Improves the appearance of the skin, increasing its firmness and brightness, safely. The biostimulation allows increasing the skin tone, treatment of fine wrinkles on the face and an improvement of the general state of the face.

    The treatment is natural and physiological because it uses its own proteins in the body, which are selected and concentrated to repair the damage caused by the passage of time.
    As it is a patient's own product there is no risk of allergies or intolerances.

    The platelets release growth factors that are responsible for stimulating cell regeneration, to increase formation of new blood vessels and new tissue production. The thickness of the skin increases returning elasticity and firmness.

    This treatment may either be prophylactic in young skin without sagging and wrinkling as the regenerator when dealing with an aged and dehydrated skin.

    It may be recommended the association with mesotherapy face with "vitamins", hyaluronic acid infiltration and / or botulinum toxin (commonly known as "botox").


    It is very important the way of collecting and handling of the product, so this procedure must be performed with all the aseptic conditions and by trained personnel.

    To guarantee success is crucial medical and analytical assessment in order to correct and optimize product quality.

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